Public Comment Information
Public Participation Information for Board Meetings
Members of the Board of Education follow a standard agenda prepared in advance.
Parliamentary procedures not provided for by Board Rules and Board Policy are determined by Robert’s Rules of Order.
All questions or comments from the members of the audience may be addressed during the Questions, Comments, Petitions from the Public portion at the beginning of the Board of Education meeting. Because of a four-hour time limit for conducting meetings and agenda business to be completed, it will be necessary to limit each individual comment to three (3) MINUTES. The president may limit the discussion depending on the number of persons wishing to address the Board on a given topic or a given night.
In recognizing a member of the audience to speak, the president will request that citizen to first state his/her name and address for the Board of Education minutes.
Board members or administrators may not be able to fully respond to proposals or suggestions from the audience until a later date when more time is allowed for thought and study. If a citizen request is not satisfied at this meeting, the answer will be forthcoming from an administrator or the Board at a subsequent meeting or at a time stated by the president.
No person will orally initiate personal charges or complaints against individual employees at a public meeting of the School Board. Any charges, complaints or challenges shall be presented to the Superintendent, in writing and signed by the complainant. Every effort should be made to discuss the matter of complaint with the proper administrator before bringing the complaint to the Board of Education.
The Board of Education may wish to hear the facts with the complainant present in a private hearing only after attempts have been made to resolve the problems with the appropriate administrators.
Persons may be excluded from attendance at open meetings only for a breach of the peace committed at the meeting. The location and dates for all meetings are published well in advance.
The Board of Education sincerely wishes to provide the best possible education and supportive services to all of the students of this district. If you have suggestions for better attaining this goal, please make them known. A Board can only represent the people when citizens express their thoughts and expectations.