
East Jackson Parent Volunteers

Become a parent volunteer

Our children need YOU to volunteer in the East Jackson Community Schools!

Can you do one or more of the following?
Would you like to do the following…
Help in classrooms?
Assist in offices?
Chaperone field trips?
Help with Band and Choir?
Assist with athletic events?
Volunteer for any place where you’re needed?

If you are available, we would LOVE to have you volunteer in the East Jackson Community Schools. However, for the safety of our children, we will need to complete a background check.

To get your free background check, please do the following:

  1. Click on the link below and open the Volunteer Application
        EJ Volunteer Application

  2. Bring the completed Volunteer Application AND your driver’s license to any building office.

We’ll take care of the rest!

It is that simple. Please bring in your application and driver’s license and get started with volunteering with the children and staff of the East Jackson Community Schools.

Contact us

Feel feel to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

Resources and Materials