Interested in working as a Substitute Teacher?
East Jackson community schools is currently recruiting substitute teachers. you can work with children and get paid! Below are the parameters:
Requirements – A minimum of 60 credit hours (in any subjects) from a college, university, or community college. A successful background check must also be completed.
Pay – $125.00 per day.
Please apply using the following instructions:
Go to EDUStaff
Top left hand corner, click on “Start Application”
Complete the online application
Fingerprinting Procedure – All persons working in this capacity must have scans of their State of Michigan fingerprints on file and complete criminal record checks.
To arrange for an appointment for fingerprinting, call the Jackson County Intermediate School District (JCISD) at 517-768-5209 and inform them that you need fingerprinting as a prospective employee of East Jackson Community Schools. The JCISD offices are located at 6800 Browns Lake Road, Jackson, Michigan. Cost is $50 (cash, credit, and debit only).
If you have approved fingerprints on file at another school district, please complete the Fingerprint Release Form and send it to the contact person below for processing.
Questions or concerns? Call EDUStaff at 877-974-6338
Phone: (517) 764-2090
Fax: (517) 764-6033
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday