Drop Off/Pick up Procedures
Student Drop-off in the Morning:
Students will remain in the buses or in the vehicle until 8:20 AM as there is no supervision by school staff members available until that time.
At 8:20 AM- Doors will be unlocked and an administrator and/or other staff member will be outside to supervise building entrances.
Buses will drop students off at the front of the building and students will proceed to their cubbies/lockers and then to their classrooms.
Students will be dropped off by parents/guardians in the unloading zones on the north and south ends of the building based on grade level. Students in grades K-2 and their older siblings will unload in the north end. Students in grades 3-6 will unload on the south end. They will exit the vehicle on the right side by the curb ONLY as the inside lane is for moving traffic.
Student Pick-up in the Afternoon:
Students will be dismissed at 3:25 PM with a teacher to go to the front of the building to load the buses or to the north (K-2 & siblings) or south (3-6) end to leave with a parent or guardian.
Bus riders will be in line in bus order from the front to the back, so they can drop off the end of the line to board the bus. The sidewalk will be used for this purpose.
Lines by grade level will be made for pick-up with parents/guardians staying in their vehicles.
Please pull all the way forward and remain in your vehicle to expedite this process.
Once your student along with a staff member has made contact with you, your student(s) will be allowed to leave the line(s) and go to the vehicle.
Students will Not be allowed to come to your vehicle unless you are in this loading zone. Please do not wave for them to join you prior to that time.
Please note: Law enforcement officers will be present at times and will enforce the No Parking Zones.
Please follow the above procedures and display patience to help us to keep our students safe.
Your cooperation is appreciated.